Saturday, January 8, 2011

{Project 52} Week 1

I have decided to do a project.  I know...who has time for that?  Well, I'm going to make time. 

Because I'd like to improve my photography skills and take more pictures of our family, I'm going to purposely take pictures every week.  Then I will post my favorite (or favorites if I can't decide).  At the end of the year, I will have a summary of our year in pictures and probably make a photo book.

Week 1 is a picture I took the other day after we had gotten a little bit of snow and Hosanna and Judah headed outside.  You could still see grass poking through, so I guess she considered the driveway a more appropriate place for making a snow angel and somehow, she centered herself right between the tire tracks.  To me, snow angels are such a reminder of childhood and that's why I love this picture.


Katrina @ Pics, Pages & Purls said...

I really like this picture...I truly miss you & your family!

Daydreaming Fool said...

This is such a great idea!!! I've tried to do Project 365 a couple of times but it's just hard to ALWAYS get a photo and this is a great way to work your way into it! I may start doing this too..I always take at LEAST one photo a maybe if I get into the habit of doing this next year I'll be able to do Project 365 :) Love your first photo! So cute!

I really want to improve my photography this year too :) I'm taking a course in the spring and I'm so excited!!