Friday, October 22, 2010

Goodnight Stuff

 It's Harvest Time and we are keeping pretty busy around here.  Hosanna made this sign to put on the door to the basement.  We are planning to have a Harvest Party tomorrow night, the kind where we carve pumpkins and eat all things pumpkin.  I'm excited and so are the kids.

For homeschool, this past week we were learning about the letter M and moon.  We read the children's book "Goodnight Moon" then the assignment was to find pictures from magazines and create your own book saying goodnight to things.  Here's what she came up with:

Goodnight Stuff

Goodnight crayons.  Goodnight stuffed animal penguin and ducks.

Goodnight hot dogs.  Goodnight heart.  Goodnight clock.

Goodnight shoes.  Goodnight daughter, goodnight books.  Goodnight cousin.  Goodnight ice cream.

Goodnight swimming glasses.  Goodnight puzzle.  Goodnight cupcake.

Goodnight food.
The end.

I wrote the story as she told it to me.  Quite the writer.  She just now came up to me and showed me a picture she drew of her family (we were all astronauts) on the back was our farm with a rain storm and a cow named Jessica America Elizabeth Felicity.  Wow.

Well, now I'm off to make chili for the party tomorrow.  Next week I plan to post pics of harvest time things that we've been doing 'round here.  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Latest Adventure

We began school last month - homeschool that is.

For Hosanna's kindergarten year, I chose to do a curriculum called My Father's World.  I liked this particular program because it's a unit study, meaning there's 26 units that revolve around a subject (i.e. the sun, leaves, apples) and you are teaching math, language arts, writing, science and Bible for 6 days.  And then the subject changes.  So far it's working out well.

With homeschooling, there's always room for extra activities, especially ones that interest the student.  The kids get Highlights Magazine for Preschoolers. While reading it, Hosanna spotted a craft and she asked me if we could make it.  I was trying to figure out when and how it would work out.  She asked me for at least a week.

Finally, today I had a brilliant moment and this is what we came up with.  The original craft used cardboard and fabric to make stick-like figures and cats.  We used a shirt gift box, like the one pictured at the top of this post and colored paper to make the clothes.

While I was cutting out the pieces, I was asking Hosanna questions like how many arms did each 'human' (that's what they called them) need.  Then she glued them on and chose the color of paper that we made their outfits out of.

We are talking about the sound the letter s makes, so skirt and shirt were perfect to practice working on these sounds.  She colored flowers on the clothes and later said we needed to give the cats 'style' - so she colored them.

A cat

The 'humans'
This was a great activity for both of them.  And I believe we'll be elaborating further with hair, socks and shoes.

Friday, October 1, 2010

At the Park

Yesterday we spent some time at the park.  It was a beautiful day.  I had to camera, so I took a few pictures while we were there.

These kids LOVE it outdoors, it's just getting them to stand still long enough to get a good picture.

Look at those CHUBBY fingers!  So cute!
My person favorite from the day!
Zoe (25 months) and Shiloh (10 months)

Toothy grin!
He honestly said, "Here Hosanna, CATCH!" as he pushed Shiloh towards her.