Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Snow time like the present

The winter days are long...especially for children that love the outdoors. But the only thing keeping us inside today are the extremely cold temperatures here in the Midwest (the windchill today was -14 degrees!). So when Hosanna asked if she could change out of her dress to other clothes and go outside, I had to tell her that it was much too cold to venture outside today or tomorrow. Hopefully by this weekend the temps will be in the 20s or 30s.

She was stoked about the snow pile that Jeremy had made the other day for them to play on outside. She was at Grandma's house when this snow pile was created, so she missed out on the first day of it.

Judah had a wonderful time climbing up and sliding down. It was great fun for him. He also enjoyed it when Jeremy put him on the inflatable sled at the top of the pile and pulled him down the pile and across the yard, over and over and over.

For a fun winter activity, look no further than your own backyard. There you will find a FREE way for kids to enjoy the cold months and burn off their energy in a winter wonderland.

Don't worry Jeremy made the tunnel through the snow pile big enough for him to squeeze through himself!

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