Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a Fabulous Friday...

We are grateful for a FABULOUS day here at our house.
Here are 5 reasons why:

  • Zoe had cereal for the FIRST time today. By the end, she was actually accepting the spoon before letting the cereal dribble out.
  • These two always enjoy a good bowl of oatmeal, which makes Mama happy 'cuz it's cheap and easy.
  • We are going to be enjoying guacamole for lunch...delicious!
  • There is only 1 week left until Jeremy and I get to go to the Chris Tomlin/Israel & New Breed concert - I'm so EXCITED!

  • And lastly, it's my baby sister's 23rd birthday TODAY. Happy Birthday, Meg! We love you and hope that you have a FABULOUS FRIDAY!

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